Everyday I have a need to satisfy my insatiable thirst for new knowledge. I cannot imagine how my days would be like without great resources such as Wikipedia and How Stuff Works . I still remember the days when my father used to own racks of Britannica Encyclopedias, which were really cool to have but they were collecting dust most of the time.
If you happen to always look for new ideas to learn from the brightest of minds, then watching TED must be in your daily to-do-list. TED is an annual conference that brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives. Speakers range from Amazon.com Founder, Jeff Bezos, to Nobelaurates such as Al Gore. Be thankful to broadband internet, since instead of paying 3000 USD/seat for TED admissions, you can now enjoy video recordings of TED talks for FREE.
Below are some of the best TED talks:
Tony Robbins (Motivational Speaker)
Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better
Jeff Bezos (Amazon.com Co-Founder & CEO)
After the gold rush, there's innovation ahead
Seth Godin (Marketing Guru)
Sliced bread and other marketing delights
Personally, TED has greatly inspired my daily way of thinking personally and professionally.
I'm sure that you will be surprised, awed and touched by TED talks in some way. Look up your topic of interest at TED, watch and get inspired, then spread the ideas!
Thanks TED for being my source of inspiration.
TED Website
hey, i don't know why i didn't think of this before...but you should attend TEDxJakarta when they organize another one. tedxjakarta.org
I know sometime in April 22 they are going to have a TEDxGreenJakarta somewhere but it's very hard to find the information on this online. i'll give you a heads up though if i hear anything soon, cause you and these TEDx events are like a perfect match!
-Cindy Nawilis
i like to read and hear tony robbins talks since 1998..nice
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